Just HIM is perfect!...~

WeLcOme tO my WorLd dat's full of frAgranCes and peaCeful of MemOries...!!~ hidup mesti diteruskan....ucapan selamat saya dahulukan kpd yg sudi datang singgah ke blog ini... xde ape pon... just about myself. Tempat bercerita dan sharing~ hehe....Nik f@wie


Hi, guys!! Don't 4get to peek on my Older pOsts tOo!! maybe there's sOmething special abOut u all especially my frends!

Keep Smiling ~

dh segenap sebulan ak idup kat bumi INTEC nie.....dh lame ak x update blog ak ni...hahhahaha....

klu tgk gambar kat ats tu...tu lah "peti sjuk gergasi" kat intec hahaha....

stakat nie.... xde pe yg spesel nye kat cni...name pon dh dtg nk blaja...jd blaja je la...
keje assgnment,,,tutorial pon belambak banyak! adeshh!! hahaha...elek sudaa....

tp dapatlah jmpe kwn2 baru....mkhluk2 baru pon ade gak....hehehe...
tu je... nnti len kali ak post cte ckit kat cni...huhu

About My blog

first of all, i would like to say that this blog tells abOut me...sO for those dOesn't like to read..u can gO far far far away frOm here...hehee

the MAIN purpOse i wrOte this blog is to immortalize my wOnderful mOments wif my cherished fellow frends either new or Old!! Have fun~ Don't forget to leave the cOmments tOo... *

pRay 4 my happiness~

MaSa itU ibArat Anak tekAk..!!

~ ~ ~


My photo
ak jahat owgnye... ak jujur leh kate yg aku ni jahat... jahat... jahat.... hahahahah3... xdela...sekarang tgh melanjutkan pelajaran di Jordan University Science and Technology (JUST)...beyOnd success!
